If you are moving your WordPress website to a new host or domain and you need assistance you are in the right place. I will walk through the steps needed to transfer your website successfully. If you follow my blog you will know that my suggested plugin for WordPress migration is All-in-One WP Migration. You can download it here. You will need to install and activate the plugin on both the website you want to transfer as well as the new location where you will be transferring that website.

All In One WP Migration Plugin Home Page
After you’ve successfully installed and activated the plugin we can export the website you’re transferring to a single file that we will upload to our new destination. Now you will see the widget loaded on the left side of your dashboard titled All-in-One WP Migration. Click on that module and that brings us to the screen where we can select how we want to export the website. Typically I use the file application for exporting. Click file and that will start the export process.

Choose backup file export application
How long the export process takes can depend on the size your website as well as the quality of your hosting provider. Once the export process is complete and reaches 100% you can now download the file to your computer.

Download backup file
After you’ve downloaded your backup file you’re ready to upload it to your website’s new destination (new host and/or domain). I’ll assume WordPress and the All In One WP Migration plugin are both already installed at that location. Within your new location’s dashboard click on All-in-One WP Migration, 2nd click import, 3rd click import from, and select the application you chose to export your backup file. I always export to a file so I select file.

Choose your backup file from the saved location.
The file will begin to import and upload and how long will depend on the size and quality of your hosting provider. Once the import reaches 100% you will be asked if you want to proceed in overwriting your database, media, themes, and plugins. Select proceed and continue to the next step.

Proceed to complete the import process which will overwrite all current files and data.
This step will complete the import process. Now you will need to login and save your permalink structure. You will need to login using the username and password used for the site you migrated from your old host.

Your import process is complete and you have successfully migrated your website.